home page
Message to parents and carers

Welcome to GridClub

You are now inside the member's area.

If you want to know more about navigating around the site, please click here for the Website Guide.

If you want to see activities set out by age, and to keep a log of activities attempted or completed, click here for the User Guide and Logbook.

If you want to see all the activities set out on one page click here for the SITE MAP. If your child clicks on GAMES or EXTRAS - it all leads to the same activities.

On the right is a link to an article about the value of GridClub published recently in the Daily Telegraph.

To support your child in using the site and becoming confident about trying all the activities we suggest the following:


GridClub "Adds Up"
says Daily Telegraph

Read the article

  1. talk about the navigation of the site and ensure the use of the top navigation bar is understood and that clicking on the GridClub logo always brings you back to the homepage
  2. when starting an activity read through any instructions so the full extent of the activity is understood and use the Guide and Logbook to start at the suggested level
  3. our message is that making mistakes is ok and we can learn from them, so if at first we don’t succeed, we try again - the site is full of challenges that ask children to make decisions, design and create, calculate answers, revise answers and solve problems – in other words they offer genuine brain training.
  4. some activities have certificates to print off as confirmation of success
  5. some activities are suited for two or more people playing together and others are just fun to do together
  6. most activities can get very challenging – intentionally so – but the element of enjoyment should still prevail as we want young learners to be motivated and inspired
  7. the activities are all linked to the school curriculum and if you want to know more please email us: info@gridlearning.com